Top 10 Selling Beers around the World:
Top 10 Selling Beers around the World:
By the way, numbers don’t lie, but, we (as will you) definitely disagree with a few of the winners; the first being Canada. Tell us what you think! Feel free to leave a comment and list your top beer brand(s) of choice.
Here’s the Top 10 List of best selling beers in beer drinking countries around the world:
United States: Bud Light:
You heard right, Bud Light. There is a huge misconception that Budweiser is America’s best selling beer; however, since 2001, the best selling beer in the U.S.A. has been Bud Light. Bud Light has an almost 16% share of the total market! Bet you didn’t know Bud Light is only sold internationally in Canada, Ireland, Mexico, Colombia and Sweden.
Canada: Labatt Blue, Eh:
Yes, we may be Canadian, but we doubt many will argue that this great country boasts some of the best beer in world, especially when we’re head to head with the United States. Although we totally disagree that Labatt Blue isn’t the best tasting beer, we couldn’t argue with the concrete statistics. Coors Light is closely behind at number two, and Molson Canadian comes in at third.
Brazil: Skol:
200 million residents in Brazil like its lager. Their Choice? Skol. With almost a third of the total market, Skol, which is named after the toasting expression in Scandinavia, dominates the market, with Brahma getting about 20%, followed by Antarctica with about 14%.
Mexico: Corona:
No brainier here. Mexico = Corona. This is definitely a case where your guess would be absolutely right. Not only is Corona the best selling beer in Mexico, it’s also the top selling beer imported into the United States. They recently passed Heineken for that honour. Corona is available in over 150 countries across the globe. Picking up the scraps for second and third place are Tecate Light (which claims to be the best selling light beer in the country) and Dos Equis.
Germany: Krombacher:
Now we haven’t had a chance to visit beer-obsessed Germany as of yet, however, we do know that there are around 1,300 breweries in the country, ranking only second to the United States. You can just wonder how many choices there are! Personally, we can’t wait to go! Krombacher boasts the highest sales in Germany.
Netherlands: Heineken:
As with Corona, you can almost guarantee your guess to be correct. Netherlands, another country that is as famous for beer as for anything else, sells more HeinekenPilsner more than any other beer in the country. Believe it or not, most places carry only Heineken, and even get their supply from trucks that pump the stuff into a tank a few times a weak instead of dealing with all of the heavy keg lifting. Amstel and Grolsch take second and third respectively.
United Kingdom: Carling:
No, not the Canadian buck a beer – that’s right, you Canadians get your head out of the gutter. The best-selling brand of beer is Carling, which used to be called Carling Black Label. It’s actually not very well known in most of the world. Australian brand Foster’s lager is second, and Belgian’s Stella Artois takes third.
Belgium: InBev:
Belgium is home to the beer giant InBev brewery company. Belgium is known for a wide-variety of quality choices; you can get a high-alcohol monk beer, and then wash that down with a white beer. All this aside, Stella Artois is by far the largest selling Belgian Beer in the world. Believe it or not, Jupiler gets about 40%. It really doesn’t matter, as InBev owns both brands anyway!
Japan: Asahi Super Dry:
Another country that people might not automatically assume is filled with beer guzzlers;Japan is really in love with their foamy suds. Asahi Super Dry appears to be on top currently, closely followed by Kirin, Sopporo, and Suntory. The country’s famous beer vending machines, which used to sell cans as big as one liter to anyone with enough money, have been phased out for fear of adding to underage drinking with just a bit too much convenience.
Australia: Victoria Bitter:
Undoubtedly, Foster’s Lager is one of the world’s best known and best selling beers, yet it can barely get arrested in Australia itself. Thanks to a genius marketing campaign and relentless promotion, the world thinks “Foster’s is Australian for beer” and yet it’s barely even available down under. The beer scene is dominated by different brands in each state, but the overall winner currently is Victoria Bitter, which is locally known as VB VB is really a normal lager instead of a real bitter. Again, Foster’s takes the cake as they own VB.
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